Signed, sealed, forgiven, I’m Yours…..

Loved intensely, dearly…
Atoned, bought, at a great cost…
You loved, radically…

Trudging rapidly to destruction was I…
Clutching desperately at Death’s garments…
Courting eternal damnation with ignorant glee…
Yet Your love for me, blazed furiously still…

“This one is mine” said Death…
“Never!” You said…
The battle raged on…
Your love relentless this soul pursued

“I have a plan” You said
“A plan no other mind can conceive…”
“A crazy plan, Unfathomable…”
“The price is the death of one pure…”
“No plan like it can ever another be…”
“No matter the cost, the price for this one I shall pay”

The line was drawn…

The price ever so great was paid….
An eternal purchase made…
Thus was I snatched from Death’s firm grip…
By One who went to lengths never gone…
Just for me a hopeless lost…

Just for me…a speck of dust…
“No…” You said, “you are not dust, you are Mine, you are My heir, you are My most beloved”
In wonder I stood…
“How can this be? After this I did? After that I did? After…” In disbelief I queried on…
“Yes” You said. “You are forgiven of it all…The price for you fully paid, your freedom guaranteed…”

Ever do the words ring in my heart…
“I am Yours…I am Yours….I am loved…
Forgiven…elevated…free…alive…of inestimable worth..
Priceless…little me…wrested from Death’s grip…
Unbelievable…I am radically loved…”

I am…Yours forever…
Yours truly…
Redeemed…insanely loved…
Died for…I am worth that much…

Signed, sealed, forgiven…
Yours I am…


12 thoughts on “Signed, sealed, forgiven, I’m Yours…..

  1. I love! I love!! I love!!! …the post

    I am loved! I am loved!! I am loved!!! …by God

    Wonderful (poem, is it?). Every line colored by strokes of love.

    God bless you sir.

  2. “A crazy plan, Unfathomable” I have those too, crazy plans, unfathomable, I must be my Father’s son šŸ™‚

    “you are not dust, you are Mine” < this, this right here is a missing a lot of sons of God. Once we were dust, but NOW we are the sons of God, so be it!

    A great poem , more Truth and Love of the Father to you, and us all!

  3. We tend to underestimate God’s love for us.. This is just a beautiful reminder! God help us not to take His love for granted.. Nice piece.

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